Welcome to LakeErieWX
Our goal is to increase the marine weather forecasting skills of recreational boaters and to simplify access to marine weather observations and forecasts. Whether you are cruising the Great Lakes, Chesapeake Bay, the Caribbean, or the coastal waters of the Atlantic, an enhanced understanding of basic weather principles and a few simple forecasting skills can improve trip planning and reduce the likelihood that you and your guests will be exposed to uncomfortable or hazardous weather conditions.
The website has several sections:
Forecasting Resources
A collection of web pages providing links to marine weather observations and forecasts for the Great Lakes, Caribbean, and the coastal waters of the United States.
Racing Resources
A few specialized pages devoted to forecasting resources for the Bayview Mackinac Race, the Chicago Yacht Club Race to Mackinac, and the Trans Superior Race.
Articles & Case Studies
I regularly publish articles on interesting marine weather events, such as hurricanes, severe weather events, or regattas, as well as, articles on marine forecasting in general. Studying the past is a great way to improve your understanding of marine weather.
This section provides descriptions of our marine weather forecasting seminars and presentations designed to teach basic weather forecasting skills to recreational boaters.